The Present piece of scientific work focused on the detailed study of Moringa oleifera leaves. Th...
Save the Environment, Environmental pollution is the bigger problem now. we should use eco friend...
Smile is one of the most expressive forms of nonverbal communication. Smile form sets standards f...
In this study, a set of blood smear images were segmented by different segmentation techniques. A...
Wireless communications is currently a highly demanded communication technology that is the most ...
Cellulases are enzyme complex of hydrolytic enzymes such as endoglucanase (CMCase), exoglucanase,...
A dataset of 322 images from Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS). The images are pre-proce...
Neuromotorische Behinderungen sind auffällige und meist unheilbare, komplizierte Probleme in der ...
Die Distraktionsosteogenese, auch Kallusdistraktion, Kallotase und Osteodistraktion genannt, ist ...
Dieses Lehrbuch über Sanatana Dharma bietet einen umfassenden und leicht verständlichen Leitfaden...