This book seeks to examine the lives of rural Dalit women in private as well as public spheres. A...
Arthritis is a disease in which there is inflammation of one more joints, which results in pain,s...
For controlling and protecting sensitive or confidential documents and images and also providing ...
Occlusion is since ages considered to be one of the prime important tool for the achievement of h...
Polymers, defined as non-metallic materials, which can be molded to any shape and size by applica...
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have revolutionized the way digital systems are designed a...
Evolution begins with the inheritance of gene variations.This book presents an essential understa...
Mechanical Vibration is the study of oscillatory motions of mechanical system. It is both useful ...
Fast Dissolving Tablets of Thiabendazole is designed for Providing the better and effective treat...
This book is plain lucid language to explain fundamental of this subject. Farming is of almost im...
This book on Mathematical Foundations has been written in conformity with the syllabus for the P....