This volume explores the various ways in which trust is thought about and studied in contemporary...
InhaltsangabeMental Disorder and the Criminal Process.- Depression and the Criminal Law: Integrat...
Rezension'Many psychologists testify in court as expert witnesses, help in jury selection, work i...
InhaltsangabeCrisis, What Crisis? Perception and Reality in Civil Justice.- Crisis, What Crisis? ...
InhaltsangabeIntroduction Chapter 1: Law and Everyday Decision-Making: Rational, Descript...
Justice, conflict and wellbeing are large topics that occupy researchers from a variety of discip...
This volume will be a handbook that treats trial consulting as applied psychology. The purpose of...
This first volume of an exciting annual series presents important new developments in the psychol...
- expands traditional inquiry regarding the significance of psychopathology in the criminal proce...
This volume will be a handbook that treats trial consulting as applied psychology. The purpose of...
This volume explores the various ways in which trust is thought about and studied in contemporary...