Der neue New-York-Times-Nr.-1-Bestseller von Emily Henry!'Eine meiner Lieblingsautorinnen...
Zwei Fremde - zwei gebrochene Herzen - ein verrückter Plan für den Sommer. Bestseller-Autorin Emi...
Poppy and Alex. They have nothing in common. She's a wild child; he prefers to stay home with a b...
Zwei beste Freunde - zehn gemeinsame Urlaube - eine letzte Chance für die Liebe?Die romantisc...
January is a hopeless romantic who narrates her life like she's the lead in a blockbuster movie. ...
Nora is a Literary Agent who answers emails from her peloton and can spot a bestseller a mile off...
Die Romance-Autorin und der Literat:charmante romantische Komödie über Bücher, das Leben ...
When Poppy first meets Alex, sharing a lift home from college for the summer, they do not hit it ...
A by-the-book literary agent must decide if happily ever after is worth changing her whole life f...