The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in...
The detection of cancer risk factors and their possible avoid ance would most effectively contrib...
Until recently crime prevention has been considered of little importance in the training of pract...
Der 19. Deutsche Präventionstag fand am 12. und 13. Mai 2014 unter der Schirm-herrschaft des Mini...
'Starke Jugend - Starke Zukunft' war das Schwerpunktthema des 12. Deutschen Präventionstages, der...
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event that has taken place since 199...
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in...
Der 13. Deutsche Präventionstag fand am 2. und 3. Juli 2008 im Congress Center Leipzig statt....
Nahezu 3.000 Kongressteilnehmende und Gäste haben an den Beratungen und zahlreichen Begleitverans...
Zum 15. Geburtstag des Kongresses kamen am 10. und 11. Mai 2010 insgesamt ca. 4.500 teilnehmende ...
The German Congress on Crime Prevention is an annual event that has taken place since 1995 in dif...