An efficient and scalable location sensing recommendation is used to generate recommendations bas...
Nutrition security is inseparable from food security as the former would not be achievable withou...
Computer Assisted Instruction is an approach developed to match the various learning styles of th...
This book provides the readers with basic as well as advanced knowledge on microbial enzymes espe...
Energy plays a vital role in the development of any country. In the context of energy crisis in r...
Revision with unchanged content. This book explores the effect of marginal changes in the exclusi...
In the democratic country like India, though there is an abundant development of technology, it i...
Human mind is ingenious enough to get incited to commit a crime in social networks, it is necessa...
In order to bring effective improvement in the quality of teacher education and classroom teachin...
Um die Qualität der Ausbildung effektiv zu verbessern, ist es notwendig, die Aufmerksamkeit auf d...
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) und das Internet sind wichtige Triebkräfte für ...