Ignaz ist wieder da!Ignatius J. Reilly ist schon von weitem eine groteske Erscheinung: Tweedh...
John F. Kennedy reiste als junger Mann dreimal nach Nazi-Deutschland: 1937 als Student, in einer ...
InhaltsangabePrefaceIntroduction and Background: Coastal ecosystems, management, and research...
Turkey stands at a crossroad after a decade of adjustment to its severe debt crisis in the late 1...
Seeds of Terminalia mentalis(T.mantaly) were subjected to some pretreatment techniques aimed at e...
The first book devoted solely to William John Kennedys friendship with Andy Warhol and Robert Ind...
Humans interact with and are part of the mysterious processes of nature. Inevitably they have to ...
The Border States - Their Power and Duty in the Present Disordered Condition of the Country is an...
A Treatise upon Planting, Gardening - And the Management of the Hot House: Vol. II. is an unchang...