In an lUlffianaged woodland, forest development follows a succession of periods of undisturbed na...
Although the majority of the world's forest ecosystems are dominated by uneven-sized multi-specie...
Although the majority of the world's forest ecosystems are dominated by uneven-sized multi-specie...
The large-scale application of new silvicultural systems has become a political reality in many p...
InhaltsangabeForeword. Ecosystem perspectives. Ecological and landscape considerations in forest ...
Due to the long-term planning horizons and the great variety ofnatural, economic, and operation...
The large-scale application of new silvicultural systems has become a political reality in many p...
Due to the long-term planning horizons and the great variety of natural, economic, and operationa...
While the natural resources of the earth continue to diminish, 'Green Landscapes' arebeingcalledu...