InhaltsangabeArithmetik für ganze Zahlen.- Einleitung.- Darstellung von Folgen durch Arrays und v...
This undergraduate textbook is a concise introduction to the basic toolbox of structures that all...
InhaltsangabeSuchen und Sortieren.- Binäre Suche.- Sortieren durch Einfügen.- Schnelle Sortieralg...
InhaltsangabePart I - Searching and Sorting.- Overview.- 1 Binary Search.- 2 Insertion Sort.- 3 F...
RezensionFrom the reviews:'This book gives an account of the recent proof by M. Agrawal, ...
This two volume set LNCS 8634 and LNCS 8635 constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of th...
This two volume set LNCS 8634 and LNCS 8635 constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of th...
Algorithms specify the way computers process information and how they execute tasks. Many recent ...
This textbook is a concise introduction to the basic toolbox of structures that allow efficient o...