'Here' ist 1989 im 'Raw Magazine' erschienen und ist ein Klassiker der Graphic Novels. Jetzt ersc...
HIER ist die Geschichte eines Stücks Welt, an dem das Leben vorüberzieht. Richard McGuire erzählt...
Richard McGuire (* 1957) gehört zu den ganz Grossen des internationalen zeitgenössischen Comics. ...
Philosophy of the Text This text presents an introductory survey of the basic concepts and applie...
* Contains computer algebra worksheets or 'recipes' designed using MAPLE (System 10); no prior kn...
Rezension'This book is a revision of an earlier work that looked at nonlinear physics using MAPLE...
Science demands that all theory must be checked by experiment. Richard Feyn man, Nobel Laureate i...
InhaltsangabePreface.- A Computer Algebra Systems.- B The Spiral Staircase to Learning.- C How to...
RezensionFrom the reviews:'In the book, the authors are showing the reader what they can do with ...
InhaltsangabeThe Appetizers.- Phase-Plane Portraits.- Phase-Plane Analysis.- The Entrees.- Linear...
Philosophy of the Text This text presents an introductory survey of the basic concepts and applie...
Rezension'[The authors'] purpose is not simply to rehash.classical topics, but rather to show how...