From the emergence of clinical sleep medicine marked by the establishment of the harbinger Stanfo...
InhaltsangabeChapter 1. Quality of life in Medical IllnessKathleen W. Wyrwich & Cynthia R. Gr...
Rezension'A fascinating set of reviews, many of theoretical interest or practical import.21st C...
Primary Care Sleep Medicine - A Practical Guide was among the first books to address sleep medici...
Rezension'This is a substantial volume with 59 contributors providing 30 chapters and 2 appendice...
As the title suggests, and unlike other existing books on sleep medicine, Neuroendocrine Correlat...
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the main neurotransmitter regulating sleep. The majority of dru...
This book focuses on the neuropsychopharmacology of serotonin and its role in sleep and wakefulne...
Many patients experience sleep disturbances secondary to their primary illness and this often has...
Many recent discoveries in both laboratory and clinical settings have greatly increased our under...