It is imperative that clinicians have a strong working understanding of masticatory system dynami...
Die Zahnärzteschaft war schon immer auf der Suche nach Restaurationen, die ein 'natürliches' Auss...
La profession dentaire a toujours été à la recherche de restaurations ayant un aspect 'naturel' m...
La profesión odontológica siempre ha buscado restauraciones que tengan un aspecto 'natural' pero ...
La professione odontoiatrica è sempre stata alla ricerca di restauri che abbiano un aspetto 'natu...
De tandheelkunde is altijd op zoek geweest naar restauraties die er 'natuurlijk' uitzien, maar te...
Dental Implants have been used in a variety of different forms for many years. Since the mid-twen...
Dental implant failure has led to continuous innovations of various implants systems and to diffe...
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and mandibular anatomy and function have long been topics of great ...
The implant body should be loaded in an axial direction. In a division A maxillary ridge the impl...
A common axiom in conventional prosthodontics for partial edentulism is a fixed partial denture. ...
Der Erfolg in der Implantologie hängt von der profunden Kenntnis des Konzepts der Osseointegratio...