Oral route of drug delivery system has become ever more important as pharmaceutical scientists ac...
Research and development for novel antimicrobial drugs having different mode of action has become...
Miconazole nitrate were used as antifungal agent, The main aim of this research study was to form...
Mucoadhesion of the developed formulations will provide a longer period of residence time reducin...
Current experimental investigation is dedicated to prepare microspheres with small size and good ...
Potted seeds have strengthened the roots and had started to give fruits. Even though dendritic po...
Nanoformulierungen haben eine vielversprechende neue Ära der Krebsbehandlung eingeleitet, indem s...
Die derzeitige experimentelle Untersuchung widmet sich der Herstellung von Mikrokugeln mit gering...
PAMAM-Dendrimere weisen eine gut definierte Größe, Form, Molekulargewicht und Monodispersität auf...