When a once-promising young writer agrees to ghostwrite a famous physicist's memoir, his liveliho...
During his lifetime, Kurt Gödel was not well known outside the professional world of mathematicia...
This classic textbook on experimental physics, written by Robert W. Pohl to accompany his famous ...
Einst als vielversprechender Schriftsteller gehandelt, scheiterte der junge Ich-Erzähler aufgrund...
This book assesses the evolution of theories, doctrines, and practices in governance, economics, ...
The goal of the present course on 'Fundamentals of Theoretical Physics' is to be a direct accompa...
The methods of statistical physics have become increasingly important in recent years for the tre...
This completely revised edition of the classical book on Statistical Mechanics covers the basic c...
Inhaltsangabe1. Introduction.- I. Classical Astronomy and the Solar System.- 2. Classical Astrono...