When Nora Seed finds herself in the Midnight Library, she has a chance to make things right. The ...
From the legendary music producer, The Creative Act is a beautiful and generous course of ...
Alan Rickman was a world-class actor, as well as a tireless political activist, an avid traveller...
Matt Haig, Autor der Bestseller 'The Radleys' und 'The Humans' leidet an Depressionen. In diesem ...
The Comfort Book is a collection of little islands of hope. It gathers consolations and st...
In ihren eindrucksvollen Kurzgeschichten, die von scheinbar ganz gewöhnlichen Menschen handeln, l...
When Amelia wants a wish to come true she knows just the man to ask - Father Christmas. But the m...
In this upbeat and personal book, Matt Haig explores how the world gets into our heads, and how w...
When Olivia Laing moved to New York City in her mid-thirties, she found herself inhabiting loneli...